It is agreed that the following terms set out the total agreement made between the parties and that no variation or modification of this contract shall be effective unless agreed by both parties in writing.
These Terms & Conditions are set out by Deb's Photography Studio - Also Known by Lythgoe Photos
The deposit is non-refundable if a cancellation occurs. Should cancellation take place within 24 hours of the session, the full payment may be required. However, deposits may be transferred up to two times, provided that 24 hours' notice is given.
The Photographer may exhibit any photographs covered by this contract in their studio, on their website, in their portfolio, literature, display areas, exhibitions, competitions, advertisements, or slide shows. All image sizes are approximate. The Photographer will strive for a pleasing colour balance but cannot guarantee an exact colour match due to the unique reflection properties of certain dyes and materials, particularly synthetic fibres. It is often unfeasible to capture on film or digitally the precise colour as perceived by the human eye.
All images will undergo adjustments for exposure, brightness, contrast, sharpness, and more. The Photographer's discretion on these corrections and the selection of images presented to the Client for preview will be considered final. Additional services such as retouching, digital manipulation, and artistic finishing are available to the Client at an additional cost.
The Photographer shall be afforded artistic license concerning the poses and locations photographed. The Photographer's judgment on the choice of locations/poses and the number of images captured shall be considered correct. Given the unpredictability of weather and the cooperation of subjects, it may not be feasible to capture all the requested images.
The Client has the right to cancel a session at any point by providing written notice to The Photographer/s; however, this will result in the loss of their deposit. If cancellation occurs less than 24 hours prior to the session, the full fee may be charged. Cancellations must be submitted in writing.
1. The Photographer retains all copyrights to its photographs. As such, the client is not permitted to sell, reproduce, or use any photographs for advertising purposes without written consent from Lythgoe Photos.
2. The Photographer retains the right to utilize photographs taken for advertising purposes on its website, Facebook, portfolio, etc. The client may specify which pictures may be used.
3. With any package purchased, clients will receive a digital copy of all photographs taken for their personal use, such as viewing, printing (for personal use only), and posting on personal social networking sites (not for advertising purposes).
4. The Photographer retains the right to sell any photographs featured on our website. However, we will contact the client associated with the photograph prior to any sale. The client will then have the option to request exclusion from this arrangement.
5. All client information collected is confidential and will not be shared with or sold to third parties. It will solely be utilized by the photographer (Deb's Photography Studio or Lythgoe Photos) for the purpose of promoting OUR special offers to previous clients. Clients have the option to opt in or out at the time of booking.
Any complaints must be initially submitted in writing by the Client to the Photographer(s) within 21 days following the date on which the images are received. Governing Law: This agreement is to be governed by the laws of England and Wales.